CURRABUBULA – Anzac service at 9am in the Currabubula War Memorial Hall. Morning tea will be provided at the hall after and all are welcome to attend.
QUIRINDI – Proceedings commence at the Quirindi Memorial Clock, beginning with a smoking ceremony at 5:30am followed by The Dawn Service. This will be followed by breakfast at the RSL Club, supplied to veterans for free.
A march will be held from the Quirindi Post Office to the Memorial Clock as part of the Day service. Those marching should form up at the Post Office at 10:45AM. The march will be followed by the wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial Clock. Lunch follows at the Quirindi RSL Club at 2.30pm and will include local entertainment from 2.00pm.
WERRIS CREEK – A Dawn Service will be held at the War Memorial in Anzac Parade, assembling at 5.30am for the 6.00am service. Breakfast for those attending the Dawn Service will follow at the Werris Creek Bowling and Tennis Club at 7am, courtesy of the club and board of directors. The Day Service and wreath laying will be held at 11.00am with assembly from 10.30am. Members of the public are most welcome to attend.
An official luncheon will be held at the Werris Creek Bowling and Tennis Club at 12.30pm for 1.00pm.
WILLOW TREE – A wreath-laying commemoration service will be held at the Willow Tree Memorial Hall at 9.00am. All community members are cordially invited to attend. A highlight of Willow Tree’s commemoration is the tradition of a local family sharing memories of war service by family members and others from the Willow Tree district.
Quirindi – To facilitate the Dawn Service in Quirindi, Station, George and Pryor Streets will be closed at the nearest intersection to the Memorial from 5am and re-open at approximately 6:15am with traffic diverted at Pryor and Henry Streets during the closure. During the morning march and wreath-laying ceremony, George Street as well as those intersecting streets along the march route shall be closed by 10:30am and re-opened by approximately 12:30pm. Traffic will be diverted to Hill Street at Whittaker, William and Pryor Streets.
Werris Creek – Anzac Parade will be closed from 5:30am between Single Street and mid-block to Henry Street for the duration of the Dawn Service. The same area of Anzac Parade will be closed from 10:15am and re-open at 12:15pm to facilitate the wreath-laying service. Single Street will be temporarily closed at the Anzac Parade T-intersection from 10:15am and shall re-open at 12:15pm, along with Anzac Parade. This will allow public attendees to congregate in the T-intersection with no conflict with vehicles. Motorists will be diverted along North and Coromandel Streets for the duration of the service.